The digital accessibility start up hired Dvashh for brand development, digital marketing, social media marketing marketing, community growth, website development, content creation, blogging and B2B sales development.
The start up grew from 5 employees to 15 within 2 years and is now a leading technology for digital accessibility.

The founders of Raw Juce worked with Dvashh on their previous venture - Salad Creations, and when the idea came to their mind to start a Raw Juice brand Dvashh was recruited to support all branding and promotional efforts.
From initial logo design, to website development, Grand Opening event promotion, press, media and social media channels activation, Dvashh helped launched the brand, now standing at 9 stores across South Florida.
the teen app
The teen-parent alert app hired Dvashh to consult with launch of the brand, from naming to design, to investors relations, website development, and social media engagement.
The app has launched in China and the start up is in its 4th year with thousands of downloads.

The Executive Producers of The Suzanne Show - a morning show on Lifetime Television, reached out to Dvashh 3 weeks prior to air time and asked us to develop a website, all social media channels, a blog, a newsletter and support their cross-marketing obligations with 25 sponsors.
Dvashh won a Telly award for completing the mission with success and activating all marketing channels in time for airtime, in addition to gaining new clients who were sponsors on the show and were impressed.

The non-profit organization recruited Dvashh to help promote the organization, supporting fundraising initiatives for brain cancer patients and their families.
Dvashh was responsible for events coordination and promotion, website development, fundraising landing pages, press and media collaborations with celebrities, local media per city, social media and social support groups activation, and campaigning for the cause.
Fundraising exceeded expectations with over 30 events throughout the country, with over 3,000 people in attendance per event
The Real Estate company MV Realty, recruited Dvashh to launch a never seen before homeowners program that offers a cash incentive to homeowners for the opportunity to work with them in the future.
As a new service/product that was never available in the market before, Dvashh developed and created different creative concepts for A/B testing and preformed market research, and media buys, leading to a successful multi-channel campaign that yield over 150 leads per day and garnered hundreds of thousands of views on targeted video ads.